[:en]Together in Monde[:it]Insieme in Monde[:el]Μαζί στο Μόντε[:]
[:en]After the experience in Kisumu, WE AfriHug team went on with the project and continued its path in Eastern Africa, moving to Uganda. In Wakiso, they were hosted by Father Antonios of Monde, the inspirational priest, who has been devoting his life in empowering local communities in Uganda. Our next activity: 3-day 21st Century Life Skills Camp.
On the 23rd of January in the morning, WE AfriHug team said goodbye to their partners and friends from the NGO R.H.D. in Kenya, and headed to Kampala.
After one day of travelling, they arrived at the bus station in Kampala, where they met Ugandan friends, who picked them up. The arrival moment was emotional because Konstantinos and Marilena had already been there one year and a half ago, when they implemented the H-Ug – Help Uganda Project. After a warm dinner, they prepared to go to the airport to pick up another Greek volunteer of the project, Irene.
There was not a lot of time left for the preparation of the camp. The team met with their partners “Vijana Kwa Africa” and “Love and Hope Monde”, in order to arrange the last details. Two days later, the team together with Father Antonios, headed to the village of Monde in Wobulenzi district, where the camp was about to take place. Accommodation and food have been provided to all the participants during the camp. This would never be possible without the support of our sponsor and the donors, who kindly contributed to make this happen.
And the day finally arrived. On the 26th of January, it was time to start the camp. The members of “Vijana Kwa Africa” are inspirational and ambitious youngsters between 20-30 years old whc offer Career Developing and Life Coaching to young people between 12-30 years. Douglas, a tall and smiley young man, appeared and introduced himself as one of the Co-founders of Vijana. Aftwerwards, Kirk, Janet, Elizabeth and Baker joined the team. Furthermore, members of the Othodox Christian Youth Network Uganda arrived and helped to the organization of the camp.
Meanwhile, the participants arriving. Shy and unaware about what to expect, they sat waiting for the camp to begin. After a brief introduction by WE AfriHug and Vijana about who they are and what they do, activities started and once more the Non-Formal Education approach made it easy to break the ice. In a few minutes participants felt comfortable to talk and participate actively.
WE AfriHug team implemented those activities which lead participants to reflect, but above all put in practice, in order to develop soft skills like Communication & Collaboration, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking and Creativity. They brilliantly did it attending the first day at the camp where they experience the so-called “Where’s my power”, “Spider Web”, “Electric Fence” activities. Thanks to the contribution of Vijana Kwa Afrika, through their presentation about the Social and Emotional Skills by Elizabeth and Baker, attendees had the chance to focus and reflect on what they experienced during the day. This different approach was complementary to the work done and fundamental for participants to put the last brick in the process of learning.
The following day, started early in the morning. Infact, optionally, participants were called at 7am to participate in an exercise training session, and surprisingly many of them accepted the challange. After almost one hour, they went for a shower, breakfast and right after the day began.
The members of Vijana opened the morning with some interactive games and activities and a positive and happy mood made the participants smile and made them ready to participate. The first WE AfriHug activity was the so-called “Battle of Orange”. They were divided into two teams which represent two companies. One produces orange juice and the other produces candies with the peel of the orange. Each of them has to find a strategy and elaborate good points on their favor to convince the other team that they are the ones who deserve the orange. After a few minutes of debate, it is time to choose a speaker among the team who will carry on the agreed point with the speaker of the other team. Will the two teams reach an agreement? This is the aim of this activity. Many of them found creative solutions and found good statements. Also Public Speaking skills were involved and just participating, attendees had the chance to know better exactly how important it is to be able to make your point valuable.
As far as different cultures met in this camp, WE AfriHug team found useful and interesting to propose a “game” where participants had to involve their knowledge about the world, recognizing some flags from different continents. It was nice to see how, even if they didn’t know the correct answer, many of them still wanted to give it a try. Sometimes taking the risks worth it.
In the second part of the afternoon Vijana passed to the action once more. This time they focused their presentations on Financial Literacy by Janet and Life Planning by Kirk.
The camp was almost over, and to say goodbye a multicultural party was organised. Many new connections and relationships were born and after sharing so many important moments together, say goodbye was hard.
On Sunday, the 28th of January, the last day of the camp, began with the Mass, and a visit from the Archibishop Innocentios of Burundi and Rwanda, who joined the closing cerimony distributing the certificates of attendance to the participants.
[:it]Dopo l’esperienza a Kisumu, il team di WE AfriHug ha proseguito il suo percorso in Africa orientale, trasferendosi in Uganda. A Wakiso, sono stati ospitati da padre Antonios di Monde, il sacerdote ispiratore, che sta dedicando la sua vita a rafforzare le comunità locali in Uganda.
E ha aiutato il team con la prossima attività: 3-day 21st Century Life Skills Camp.
Il 23 gennaio mattina, il team di WE AfriHug ha salutato i soci e gli amici dell’ONG R.H.D. in Kenya, dirigendosi verso Kampala.
Dopo un giorno di viaggio, l’arrivo è stato alla stazione degli autobus di Kampala, dove ad accoglierli c’erano i cari amici ugandesi. Il momento dell’ arrivo è stato emozionante perché Konstantinos e Marilena erano già stati lì un anno e mezzo fa, durante il Progetto H-Ug – Help Uganda. Dopo una cena calda, si sono spostati verso l’aeroporto per prendere l’altro volontario greco del progetto: Irene.
Non era rimasto molto tempo per la preparazione del campo. Il team ha incontrato i loro partner “Vijana Kwa Africa” e “Love and Hope Monde”, per organizzare gli ultimi dettagli. Due giorni dopo, la squadra insieme a padre Antonios, si è diretta verso il villaggio di Monde nel distretto di Wobulenzi, dove il campo stava per svolgersi. Alloggio e cibo sono stati forniti a tutti i partecipanti durante il campo. Questo non sarebbe mai possibile senza il supporto del nostro sponsor e dei donatori, che hanno gentilmente contribuito a farlo accadere.
E il giorno finalmente è arrivato. Il 26 gennaio è stato il momento di iniziare il campo. I membri di “Vijana Kwa Africa” sono giovani stimolanti e ambiziosi tra i 20 ei 30 anni che offrono Career Developing e Life Coaching ai giovani tra i 12 ei 30 anni. Douglas, un ragazzo alto e sorridente, si presentato come uno dei co-fondatori di Vijana. Dopo, Kirk, Janet, Elizabeth e Baker si sono uniti al team. Inoltre, i membri della Othodox Christian Youth Network Uganda sono arrivati e hanno contribuito all’organizzazione del campo.
Nel frattempo sono arrivati i partecipanti. Timidi e inconsapevoli di cosa aspettarsi, si sono seduti in attesa che il campo iniziasse. Dopo una breve introduzione di WE AfriHug e Vijana , sono iniziate le attività e ancora una volta l’approccio dell’educazione non-formale ha reso facile rompere il ghiaccio. In pochi minuti i partecipanti si sono sentiti a proprio agio a parlare e partecipare attivamente.
Il team di WE AfriHug ha condotto quelle attività che hanno portato i partecipanti a riflettere e a mettersi in gioco, al fine di sviluppare competenze trasversali come la comunicazione e la collaborazione, il problem solving, il pensiero critico e la creatività. Durante il primo giorno di campo dove hanno sperimentato le cosiddette attività “Where’s my power”, “Spider Web”, “Electric Fence”. Grazie al contributo di Vijana Kwa Afrika, attraverso la presentazione sulle abilità sociali ed emotive di Elizabeth e Baker, i partecipanti hanno avuto l’opportunità di concentrarsi e riflettere su ciò che avevano vissuto durante il giorno. Questo approccio diverso era complementare al lavoro svolto e fondamentale per i partecipanti per mettere l’ultimo tassello nel processo di apprendimento.
Il giorno seguente è iniziato molto presto. Infatti i partecipanti sono stati chiamati alle 7 del mattino per partecipare a una sessione di allenamento, e sorprendentemente molti di loro hanno accettato la sfida. Dopo circa un’ora, dopo doccia e colazione, la giornata è iniziata
I membri di Vijana hanno aperto la mattinata con alcuni giochi e attività interattive: energizer e ice breaking per invogliare i partecipanti a sciogliersi. La prima attività di WE AfriHug è stata la cosiddetta “Battle of Orange”. Sono stati divisi in due squadre che rappresentano due società. Uno produce succo d’arancia e l’altro produce caramelle con la buccia dell’arancia. Ognuno di loro deve trovare una strategia per convincere l’altra squadra a lasciargli l’arancia. Dopo alcuni minuti di dibattito, è giunto il momento di scegliere un oratore tra la squadra che porterà avanti il punto concordato con il relatore dell’altra squadra. Le due squadre raggiungeranno un accordo? Questo è lo scopo di questa attività. Molti di loro hanno trovato soluzioni creative e hanno trovato buone dichiarazioni. Anche le abilità di Public Speaking sono state coinvolte e solo partecipando, i partecipanti hanno avuto la possibilità di conoscere meglio esattamente quanto sia importante essere in grado di rendere competitivo il proprio punto di vista.
Viste le diverse culture che si incrociavano nel campo, il team di WE AfriHug ha trovato utile e interessante proporre un “gioco” in cui i partecipanti dovevano coinvolgere le loro conoscenze sul mondo, riconoscendo alcune bandiere provenienti da diversi continenti. È stato bello vedere come, anche non conoscendo la risposta corretta, molti volevano quantomeno provarci, e a volte chi rischia vince!
Nella seconda parte del pomeriggio, Vijana è passata di nuovo all’azione. Questa volta hanno concentrato le loro presentazioni su Financial Literacy e Life Planning, portate meravigliosamente avanti da Janet e Kirk.
Il campo era quasi finito, e per dire addio è stata organizzata una festa multiculturale. Molte nuove connessioni e relazioni sono nate e dopo aver condiviso così tanti momenti importanti insieme, dirsi addio è stato difficile.
Domenica 28 gennaio, l’ultimo giorno del campo è iniziato con la Messa e la visita dell’Arcivescovo Innocentios del Burundi e del Ruanda, che ha partecipato anche alla cerimonia di chiusura distribuendo i certificati di partecipazione ai partecipanti.[:el]Μαζί στο Μόντε
Μετά την εμπειρία μας στο Κισούμου, η ομάδα του WE AfriHug συνέχισε το πρόγραμμα και το μονοπάτι της στην Ανατολική Αφρική, πηγαίνοντας στην Ουγκάντα. Φιλοξενήθηκαν στο Wakiso από τον Πατέρα Αντώνιο, ο οποίος έχει αφιερώσει όλη του τη ζωή ενδυναμώνοντας τοπικές κοινωνίες στην Ουγκάντα. Η επόμενη δραστηριότητα μας: 3ήμερη κατασκήνωση δεξιοτήτων του 21ου αιώνα.
Στις 23 Ιανουαρίου το πρωί, η ομάδα του WE AfriHug αποχαιρέτησε τους συνεργάτες και φίλους της Μ.Κ.Ο. στην Κένυα και προχώρησε προς την Καμπάλα.
Μετά από μια ημέρα ταξιδεύοντας, έφτασαν στο σταθμό λεωφορείων στην Καμπάλα, όπου συνάντησαν τους Ουγκαντέζους φίλους τους. Η στιγμή της άφιξης ήταν πολύ συγκινητική καθώς ο Κωνσταντίνος και η Μαριλένα είχαν επισκεφθεί την Ουγκάντα ενάμιση χρόνο πριν, όπου και εφάρμοσαν το πρόγραμμα H-Ug – Help Uganda. Μετά από ένα θερμό δείπνο, ετοιμάστηκαν για να πάνε στο αεροδρόμιο για να παραλάβουν μια εθελόντρια του προγράμματος από την Ελλάδα, την Ειρήνη.
Δεν υπήρχε αρκετός χρόνος για να προετοιμαστεί η κατασκήνωση. Η ομάδα συναντήθηκε με τους συνεργάτες τους “Vijana Kwa Africa” και “Love and Hope Monde”, με στόχο να κανονίσουν τις τελευταίες λεπτομέρειες. Δύο ημέρες αργότερα, η ομάδα μαζί με τον Πατέρα Αντώνιο, τράβηξε για το χωριό του Μόντε στην περιοχή Wobulenzi όπου επρόκειτο να λάβει χώρα η κατασκήνωση. Προσφέρθηκε διαμονή και η διατροφή σε όλους τους συμμετέχοντες. Αυτό δεν θα ήταν ποτέ δυνατό να πραγματοποιηθεί χωρίς την υποστήριξη του σπόνσορα και των δωρητών μας.
Και η μεγάλη ημέρα τελικά έφτασε. Στις 26 Ιανουαρίου, ήταν η στιγμή να ξεκινήσει η κατασκήνωση. Η ομάδα της “Vijana Kwa Africa” αποτελείται από φιλόδοξους νέους 20-30 χρονών οι οποίοι προσφέρουν Επαγγελματική Κατάρτιση και Εκπαίδευση σε νέους ανθρώπους μεταξύ 12-20 χρονών. Ο Douglas παρουσίασε την “Vijana Kwa Africa” καθώς είναι ένας από τους συνιδρυτές της οργάνωσης . Στη συνέχεια ο Kirk, η Janet, η Elizabeth και ο Baker παρουσίασαν τους εαυτούς τους συντόμως καθώς αποτελούν ενεργά μέλη της οργάνωσης. Επιπροσθέτως, μέλη της Νεολαίας της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας της Ουγκάντας έφτασαν στην κατασκήνωση και βοήθησαν με την διοργάνωση αυτής.
Στο μεταξύ, οι συμμετέχοντες κατέφθαναν σιγά σιγά στην κατασκήνωση. Μετά από μια σύντομη παρουσίαση του προγράμματος WE AfriHug και της Vijana Kwa Africa, ξεκίνησαν οι προγραμματισμένες δραστηριότητες. Η μη-τυπική μάθηση ήταν ο τρόπος για να σπάσει ο πάγος ανάμεσα στους εκπαιδευτές και τους εκπαιδευόμενους. Μέσα σε λίγα λεπτά οι συμμετέχοντες ένιωσαν πιο άνετα και ξεκίνησαν να συμμετέχουν ενεργά.
Η ομάδα του WE AfriHug εφάρμοσε δραστηριότητες οι οποίες οδήγησαν τους συμμετέχοντες να εκφραστούν, αλλά κυρίως να θέσουν σε πράξη, με στόχο να αναπτύξουν soft skills όπως Επικοινωνία & Συνεργασία, Επίλυση προβλημάτων, Κριτική σκέψη και Δημιουργικότητα. Τα κατάφεραν με μεγάλη επιτυχία και είχαν την ευκαιρία να ζήσουν την εμπειρία των ακόλουθων δραστηριοτήτων: “Where’s my power”, “Spider Web”, “Electric Fence”. Χάρη στη συμβολή της Vijana Kwa Afrika, μέσα από την παρουσίαση τους για τις Κοινωνικές και Συναισθηματικές δραστηριότητες από την Elizabeth και τον Baker, οι συμμετέχοντες είχαν την ευκαιρία να συγκεντρωθούν σε αυτά που μάθανε κατά τη διάρκεια της ημέρας.
Η επόμενη μέρα άρχισε νωρίς το πρωί. Οι συμμετέχοντες κλήθηκαν στις 7 να συμμετάσχουν σε πρωινή γυμναστική. Μετά από περίπου μία ώρα, πήγαν για ντους, έφαγαν πρωινό και αμέσως μετά το πρόγραμμα ξεκίνησε κανονικά.
Τα μέλη της Vijana άνοιξαν τις δραστηριότητες με μερικά διαδραστικά παιχνίδια για προθέρμανση. Η πρώτη δραστηριότητα του WE AfriHug ήταν το λεγόμενο “The battle of orange”. Oι συμμετέχοντες χωρίστηκαν σε δύο ομάδες που αντιπροσωπεύουν δύο εταιρείες. Η μια εταιρεία παράγει χυμό πορτοκαλιού και η άλλη παράγει καραμέλες με τη φλούδα του πορτοκαλιού. Οι δυο ομάδες πρέπει να βρουν μια στρατηγική και να σκεφτούν τα κατάλληλα επιχειρήματα, ούτως ώστε να πείσουν τους «αντίπαλους» και να πάρουν το πορτοκάλι. Μετά από λίγα λεπτά συζήτησης, οι ομάδες διαλέγουν έναν ομιλητή, ο οποίος εκπροσωπεί τα συμφέροντα της εταιρείας. Πρόκειται όμως οι δυο ομάδες να καταλήξουν σε κάποια συμφωνία; Αυτός είναι ο στόχος αυτής της δραστηριότητας. Πολλοί από αυτούς βρήκαν δημιουργικές λύσεις και δυνατά επιχειρήματα.
Με αφορμή το πολυπολιτισμικό περιβάλλον της κατασκήνωσης, η ομάδα WE AfriHug θεώρησε χρήσιμη και ενδιαφέρουσα την πρόταση ενός “παιχνιδιού” όπου οι συμμετέχοντες έπρεπε να εμπλέκουν τις γνώσεις τους για τον κόσμο, αναγνωρίζοντας μερικές σημαίες από διαφορετικές ηπείρους. Ήταν ενδιαφέρον πώς, ακόμα κι αν δεν γνώριζαν τη σωστή απάντηση, πολλοί από αυτούς ήθελαν να δοκιμάσουν.
Το απόγευμα, η ομάδα της Vijana συνέχισε τις δράσεις της με διαδραστικές παρουσιάσεις σχετικά με κοινωνικά θέματα και συμβουλές για προσωπικό και επαγγελματικό προσανατολισμό. Η κατασκήνωση έφτασε στο τέλος της και οι συμμετέχοντες συγκεντρώθηκαν όλοι μαζί, για να γιορτάσουν το τελευταίο βράδυ. Παρά το γεγονός ότι η κατασκήνωση κράτησε μόλις 3 ημέρες, φιλίες και δεσμοί δημιουργήθηκαν.
Την Κυριακή 28 Ιανουαρίου, η τελευταία ημέρα της κατασκήνωσης ξεκίνησε με λειτουργία στην εκκλησία και επίσκεψη του Αρχιεπισκόπου Ινοκεντίου του Μπουρούντι και της Ρουάντας, ο οποίος προσχώρησε στην τελετή λήξης της κατασκήνωσης και μοίρασε τα πιστοποιητικά συμμετοχής στους συμμετέχοντες.[:]