During the visit and participation of the team at the Erasmus+ project “Grapes of Wrath” in North Ghana in Tamale, they managed to organize and implement further Trainings and activities.
One of the objectives of the study visit in Tamale under “Grapes of Wrath” project was to organize and implement non formal education activities in order to empower youth in the area. The target group selected was Nasara Ladies Football team, one team of 19 young inspiring ladies who are practicing their favourite sport against the opinion and comments of their fellows, families and the community. Playing football as a lady is not socially acceptable in the area of Tamale, although these girls they go after their passion for football against the obstacles they face everyday. WE AfriHug team shared the knowledge and experience in organizing and implementing these kind of trainings and activities and together with the participants of “Grapes of Wrath” designed activities so as to empower these girls with soft skills like leadership, collaboration and communication. On 20th of June 2018, the Training took place at the field of Nasara Ladies Football team together with the 19 young ladies, actively participating in these activities which were something totally new for them. All the activities were based on their passion which is football so as to be easier to engage them and make them feel more comfortable
WE AfriHug team grabbed also the opportunity of the visit in Tamale to organize a Training Seminar at the Technical University of Tamale. On 25th of June WE AfriHug team implemented a Training Seminar about Erasmus+ and opportunities offered for the Board of the Technical University of Tamale. The Vice Chancellor, the Director of International Affairs and Academic Staff of the University attended the Training, having so many questions for thi programme that seems so promising for them and a new window of opportunities for further partnerships abroad.
WE AfriHug team is still in Tamale for the study visit of the Erasmus+ programme “Grapes of Wrath”. Grapes of Wrath aims to explore and deconstruct patterns of psychological and social tension between in-groups and out-groups with reference to migrant communities in the EU. Specifically, the project promote intergroup contact by conveying the agony of outsiders and inspiring empathy, using arts as a tool for communication.