
The next destination for WE AfriHug team after Ghana was the refugee camps of Western Sahara. The Saharawi refugee camps are located about one hour from the city of Tindouf,  Algeria, close to the Moroccan and Mauritanian borders, where around 160.000 Saharawi refugees live in the desert.

The team travelled to this special destination having three objectives. First, to achieve the sports milestone of Sahara Marathon, running in the desert for 42 km, secondly to spend a week together with the Saharawi families and get knowledge and understanding of the 42-year-long conflict, their way of living and culture and thirdly to empower young refugees through education.

The Sahara Marathon is not just a race but is an international sports event to demonstrate solidarity, to promote sports among Saharawi Youth and to raise the awareness about a 42-year-long conflict. 42 years of suffering for a population affected by a conflict that is burying their hopes, generation after generation. 18 years of Sahara Marathon, and 42 years of exile for the Saharawi people. The motto of the 2018 edition of Sahara Marathon was “42 kilometers of our effort, for 42 years of your resistance”.

WE AfriHug team successfully accomplished the sports milestone of running the Sahara Marathon. Konstantinos Maragkos and Demetris Christodoulou ran the 42.195 km and Marilena Maragkou the 10 km. It was the first time for Greece and Cyprus to be represented in this marathon since its first edition, in 2001. In total 500 participants from 23 countries participated in the marathon, the half marathon, the 10 and 5 km races. The route of the marathon symbolically connected the three refugee camps of Smara, Auserd and El Ayoun, and leaded the runners through the desert which has been the home of refugees for 42 years.

Thanks to the support of the members of the “Global Western Sahara Ambassador Programme”, in which alumni of the Erasmus Mundus European Master in Tourism Management are working, WE AfriHug team arranged a 2-day Non-formal Education Training Seminar with 15 Saharawi students of “17 June Intermediate school”. During the first day, the activities “Shield power” and “The Hidden Path” took place, while the students being open and adaptable participated actively, embracing Non-formal Education, even if it was their first approach to this new learning process. During the second and last day of the Training Seminar, the students gave their best and participated in the activities “The Front Page” and “The Battle of Orange”. Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Social and Cultural were the key skills to be developed through the activities. In the end, the students got their certificates of participation, shared their thoughts and evaluated the training.

The next day, WE AfriHug team met again the students, in order to conduct interviews and understand better their opinion and experience but also to create an artistic video!

After living together with the Saharawi for a week, participating in the Solidarity Sahara Marathon by running 42 kilometres in the desert, training and empowering Youth through Non-Formal Education, the team completed its actions in the Refugee camps of Western Sahara.

The project continues in Ghana, where a research on Academic Mobility will take place, investigating the motivation of African students to study abroad but also trainings at Universities and High-schools will continue, in order to empower more and more Youth.

Find out more about Sahara Marathon:



Enjoy our dissemination video for Western Sahara:



La destinazione finale era il campo rifugiati del Saharawi nel Western Sahara dove abitano circa 160.000 rifugiati nel deserto. Il campo è situato a circa un’ora da Tindouf, Algeria, vicino ai confini con Marocco e Mauritania.

Il team di WE AfriHug ha scelto questa destinazione molto particolare per realizzare tre obiettivi importanti. Innanzitutto la sfida sportiva, la Maratona del Sahara, correre nel Sahara per 42km e fare tesoro di un’esperienza così unica. Secondariamente, passare una settimana con le famiglie del Saharawi per capire meglio il conflitto che da 42 anni attanaglia tutta l’area, comprendere meglio il loro stile di vita e cultura. Infine, incontrare i giovani che vivono li attraverso una sessione di formazione  di 3 giorni sulle Skills del 21esimo secolo.

La maratona del Sahara non è solo una gara ma uno sport a livello internazionale per dimostrare solidarietà, promuovere lo sport tra i giovani del Saharawi e informare il più possibile circa il conflitto che dure da ormai 42 anni. 42 anni di sofferenza di un popolo stanno minando la fiducia e la speranza generazione dopo generazione. 18 anni di Maratona Solidale, e 42 anni di esilio per il popolo del Saharawi. “42 kilometers of our effort, for 42 years of your resistance” è il motto per l’anno 2018.

WE AfriHug può annunciare la realizzazione della sfida con grande successo. Dopo aver scalato la cime dell’Africa, il Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, questa era la seconda sfida. Konstantinos Maragkos e Demetris Christodoulou hanno corso per 42.195 km mentre Marilena Maragkou la mezza maratona da 10km. Per la prima volta la Grecia e Cipro hanno avuto una rappresentanza in questa maratona iniziata nel 2001. In totale 500 persone hanno partecipato alla maratona, mezza maratona e la 5km. Il tragitto collega simbolicamente i tre campi di Smara, Auserd and El Ayoun, e conduce i partecipanti attraverso il deserto dritto nelle case di chi vive qui.

Grazie al supporto dei membri del “Global Western Sahara Ambassador Programme”, nel quali alumni del programma Erasmus Mundus European Master in Turismo e Management stanno lavorando, il team WE AfriHug ha organizzato due giorni di seminario non-formale con 15 studenti della “17 June Intermediate School”. Durante la prima giornata le attività “lo Scudo” e “Percorso Cieco” sono state il primo passo verso l’educazione non-formale mai sentito prima di allora. Nel secondo ed ultimo giorno invece gli studenti hanno dato il loro meglio nelle attività “Front Page” e “Battle of Orange”. Comunicazione, Collaborazione, Pensiero Critico, e competenze sociali e culturali sono state sviluppate. alla fine gli studenti hanno ricevuto il loro attestato di partecipazione, condividendo i loro pensieri e dando dei feedback sul training. Il giorno seguente il team WE AfriHug ha incontrato ancora una volta gli studenti, ma stavolta per condurre delle interviste, capire e conservare le loro opinioni ed esperienze.

Dopo aver vissuto insieme ai Saharawi per una settimana, aver partecipato alla Maratona Solidale del Sahara, aver corso 42km e aver realizzato questo training di due giorni, la missione di WE AfriHug qui è conclusa. Il progetto continua in Ghana dove sarà condotta una ricerca sulla mobilità accademica e sulla motivazione degli studenti africani  che li spinge a studiare all’estero. Inoltre saranno implementate giornante di training presso università e licei per continuare a incontrare i giovani locali.

The project continues in Ghana, where a research on Academic Mobility will take place, investigating the motivation of African students to study abroad but also trainings at Universities and High-schools will continue, in order to empower more and more Youth.


Scopri di più sulla Maratona del Sahara

Guarda il nostro video!


Ο επόμενος προορισμός της ομάδας του WE AfriHug μετά τη Γκάνα ήταν οι προσφυγικοί καταυλισμοί της Δυτικής Σαχάρας. Οι προσφυγικοί καταυλισμοί των Saharawi βρίσκονται μια ώρα μακριά από το Τιντούφ της Αλγερίας, κοντά στα σύνορα με Μαρόκο και Μαυριτανία, όπου 160.000 πρόσφυγες Saharawi ζουν στην έρημο.

Η ομάδα ταξίδεψε σε αυτό το ιδιαίτερο μέρος, με 3 στόχους. Αρχικά, να διεκπεραιώσει την αθλητική δοκιμασία του μαραθωνίου, τρέχοντας 42 χιλιόμετρα στην έρημο. Δευτερευόντως, να ζήσει μαζί με οικογένειες Saharawi και να αποκτήσει γνώση και να κατανόηση για τη διαμάχη 42 χρόνων και τρίτον να ενδυναμώσει νέους προσφυγές μέσω της εκπαίδευσης.

Ο μαραθώνιος της Σαχάρας δεν είναι απλώς ένας διαγωνισμός αλλά είναι ένα μια τεράστια εκδήλωση αλληλεγγύης, με στόχο την προώθηση του αθλητισμού στους νέους Saharawi και να ευαισθητοποιήσει τη διεθνή κοινότητα για τη διαμάχη και τη ζωή των προσφύγων. 42 χρονιάς διαμάχης για ένα λαό, ο οποίος χάνει τις ελπίδες του στην έρημο. 18 χρόνια μαραθωνίου και 42 χρόνια εξορίας για τους Saharawi. Το σύνθημα του μαραθωνίου αυτής της χρονιάς ήταν “42 kilometers of our effort, for 42 years of your resistance”.

Η ομάδα του WE AfriHug εκπλήρωσε επιτυχώς την αθλητική δοκιμασία του μαραθωνίου. Ο Κωνσταντίνος Μαραγκός και ο Δημήτρης Χριστοδούλου έτρεξαν 42.195 χιλιόμετρα και η Μαριλένα Μαραγκού τα 10. Ήταν η πρώτη φορά που Ελλάδα και Κύπρος εκπροσωπήθηκαν σε αυτό τον μαραθώνιο. 500 ακτιβιστές από 23 χώρες συμμετείχαν συνολικά στον μαραθώνιο, τον ημιμαραθώνιο και τους αγώνες των 10 και 5 χλμ. Β διαδρομή του μαραθωνίου συνέδεσε συμβολικά τρεις προσφυγικούς καταυλισμούς: Smara, Auserd and El Ayoun και οδήγησε τους δρομείς μέσω της ερήμου, η όποια αποτελεί σπίτι για τους πρόσφυγες για 42 χρόνια.

Η ομάδα του WE AfriHug σε συνεργασία με το πρόγραμμα “Global Western Sahara Ambassador” διοργάνωσε ένα διήμερο εκπαιδευτικό σεμινάριο μη-τυπικής μάθησης με 15 μαθητές Saharawi στο σχολείο “17 June Intermediate”. Κατά τη διάρκεια της πρώτης μέρας, Οι δραστηριότητες “Shield power” και “The Hidden Path” πραγματοποιήθηκαν, ενώ οι μαθητές παρέμειναν ανοιχτοί και προσαρμόσιμοι συμμετέχοντας ενεργά και αγκαλιάζοντας τη μη-τυπική μάθηση, παρά το γεγονός πως ήταν η πρώτη τους επαφή με αυτή την εκπαιδευτική μέθοδο. Κατά τη διάρκεια της δεύτερης μέρας, οι μαθητές έδωσαν τον καλύτερο τους εαυτό και συμμετείχαν στις δραστηριότητες “The Front Page” και “The Battle of Orange”. Οι μαθητές ανέπτυξαν τις εξής δεξιότητες μέσω των δραστηριοτήτων: Επικοινωνία, Συνεργασία, Κριτική Σκέψη, Κοινωνικές και Διαπολιτισμικές δεξιότητες. Στο τέλος, οι μαθητές  παρέλαβαν πιστοποιητικό συμμετοχής και εξέφρασαν τη γνώμη τους για το πρόγραμμα μέσω συνεντεύξεων και αξιολόγησης.

Έπειτα από μια εβδομάδα με τους Saharawi, τη συμμετοχή στο μαραθώνιο της Σαχάρας και την εκπαίδευση και ενδυνάμωση των νέων, η ομάδα ολοκλήρωσε τις δράσεις της στους προσφυγικούς καταυλισμούς της Δυτικής Σαχάρας.

Το project συνεχίζεται στη Γκάνα, όπου έρευνα για την ακαδημαϊκή κινητικότητα θα λάβει χώρα ερευνώντας το κίνητρο Αφρικανών φοιτητών να σπουδάσουν στο εξωτερικό. Επίσης θα πραγματοποιηθούν  εκπαιδευτικά σεμινάρια σε πανεπιστήμια και λύκεια με στόχο την ενδυνάμωση των νέων.


Περισσότερες πληροφορίες για το μαραθώνιο στη Σαχάρα:



Απολαύστε το βίντεο διάχυσης αποτελεσμάτων από το κομμάτι της Δυτικής Σαχάρας:

